Sunday, 14 August 2011

"In Bruges" movie


Ray: Bruges is a shithole.
Ken: Bruges *is* not a shithole.
Ray: Bruges *is* a shithole.
Ken: Ray, we only just got off the fucking train! Could we reserve judgement on Bruges until we've seen the fucking place? (quotes from 'In Bruges' movie)

some pictures from my visit to Bruges 

The history of Bruges begins around 2000 years ago. The name Bruges comes from the Old Norse "Bryggja" which means landing stage, and it has appeared on documents and coins since the middle of the ninth century. Bruges has a long tradition of international port activity, so in the Middle Ages it was possible for Bruges to become the most important trade centre of north-west Europe. Flanders was then one of the most urbanised areas in Europe. Flemish cloth, a high quality woollen material, was exported to the whole of Europe from Bruges.
The current city boundaries still coincide exactly with those of the medieval city centre, and the spaces and structures that were so typical of Bruges in the past have been preserved. That is why the historic city centre of Bruge has been added to the Unesco’s World Heritage List.

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